I don't know how the time has flown by since my last entry. I can't even blame traveling this time...... My local Quilt Guild had their triennial show this past weekend. Always fun to be surrounded by fellow quilters and visitors who are drawn to quilting. And I had an especially grand time basking in the sun - I won several awards for my art quilts. One special award stood out "Artistic Merit!" I'll include the pic of the piece "Florida Foliage." It's a mixed media piece: oil stick rubbings of the palmetto leaf, photo images of the palmettos, collage, extensive machine quilting. I felt tickling all weekend. Still do when I look at that piece in particular. Grand to be recognized by one's peers.
My two fiber groups met this past week. One we created a paper/cloth doll. Fun, fun, fun. I have Pamela Hasting's paperdoll book and am currently taking her "Transformation through doll making" with Joggles.com. So dolls are on my brain. I am not taking full advantage of Pamela's expertise though - seem to be too busy to actually produce art but am mulling over everything. I know I'll get down to business soon. Transformation is a really big undertaking. It's about time I did something.......
Oh, I did a needlefelted postcard for the theme "Green/Spring" for that fiber group as well. I will post an image once I take a picture.
I hung my work up at a local bank along with 3 other artists. The opening is in a couple of weeks. Some of my pieces, well 2 of them, don't seem to fit in at all amongst the floral paintings but the pieces themselves are neat, if I say so myself.
My other fiber group met and I demonstrated "water soluble stitching." Fun when I can get some folks to try something new and go away enthused!
Surrounding myself with like-minded folks is simulating!
I've included an image of a memory piece I made of my daughter's boyfriend's mother. My daughter will be giving it to her boyfriend's sister. I was honored to be asked to create a piece highlighting a wonderful mother, grandmother and fellow quilter.