"Extinct is Forever" by Diane Hamburg 14 x 18 inches $140 |
Here's my latest piece. The fabrics are my own: the turtle fabrics are hand dyed, the water is painted. I created this piece for my local Island Art Association's next Nouveau Art Exhibit titled "On the Edge." I have done many sea turtles before, but this one is using Photoshop to create the pattern after much time fiddling on the computer. I'm pleased with the result.... so pleased I'm heading down to the studio to create a larger one. The Art Association just opened their new Art Education Center, with it's large studio, allowing more gallery space in the old building. The space for Nouveau Art is more opened, allowing viewers to see the art at a better distance. I thought my new abstract pieces: portraits, flowers and animals would make a better statement.
Also midway completed is a pelican piece. The quilting is all that's needed. I'll put an image up when I'm done. I'll be doing that after the new turtle piece is completed.
Before these works were even thought of, I started tackling my very messy and cluttered studio. There is so much more work to be done but there has been some progress. I just had to do some art before continuing. If I was not into so many techniques requiring so much art materials, the studio might look neater. But then again, I wouldn't be learning anything new nor having so much fun. To tell you the truth, I'm pretty messy in my art and never seem to put things back where I find them. Here's to a neater 2011.