Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Monotypes

Michelle Ward at GPP Crusade challenged folks to do some monotypeshttp://michelleward.typepad.com/how_cool_is_that/2010/04/crusade-no-39-playtime-pulling-prints.html.  I didn't participate in the challenge but her encourage to experiment danced in my mind.  I finally pulled out some cheapo children's paints, and 5 x 8 index cards and printed away.  After using a Plexiglas for awhile, I made up a gelatin plate to work with.  I do love using the gel plate.  Here are some of my prints.

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Whew! You have been a busy beaver in your studio! So nice to see your hard work....maybe it will get me moving??? HA