Along with all the holiday preparation and holiday travel, I'm working away in the studio in between. I have ideas dancing in my head. Oh, that's sugarplums??? No ideas.
I've included images of my thread doodling and haiku. Sometimes no words come as I walk and sometimes words/phrases come. Today - 2 haiku - The little figures in one are my very quick doodles of a woman doing Tai Chi on the beach. A beautiful dance in my eyes. The other one is me! Feeling good about changing some things in order to get my cholesterol level down: walking more, eating much better and losing weight as the result. Hopefully the cholesterol level will go down. Right now, I feel good! The bird sketches hopefully depict the shorebirds wading in the surf.
The other images are my machine needlefelting experiments. I enjoy playing. There's a definite learning curve on the landscapes - but I'll keep trying. I'm thoroughly enjoying the abstracts. The black one with a squiggle is only 3x3" - the yarn is scrumptious. I dream of using the yarn on a sweatshirt jacket. Real pleased with the larger piece. I needlefelted fabric, yarns, cheesecloth and machine free motioned some stitching on top.
Only a couple of days til Christmas. I'll be doing some more work before I go to Vegas to see my darling daughter. I'll be gone 2 weeks but I'll try to blog at least once. I'll be taking some handwork with me as I get antsy without doing something with my hands.
Happy holidays!