Tuesday, June 15, 2010

More Monotypes

Michelle Ward at GPP Crusade challenged folks to do some monotypeshttp://michelleward.typepad.com/how_cool_is_that/2010/04/crusade-no-39-playtime-pulling-prints.html.  I didn't participate in the challenge but her encourage to experiment danced in my mind.  I finally pulled out some cheapo children's paints, and 5 x 8 index cards and printed away.  After using a Plexiglas for awhile, I made up a gelatin plate to work with.  I do love using the gel plate.  Here are some of my prints.

Leaf Prints on Wearables

I had some fun leaf printing some clothing.  The top blouse was a $.50 thrift store find.  The others were new t-shirts.  I'll share my prize leaf printed shirt once I take a picture of it.  That too was a $.50 thrift store find.  I hate to print on new blouses as I just might make a mistake of something.  I always get compliments when I go out in public with my hand printed creations.

New Book Covers

First Street Gallery, Neptune Beach, Florida wanted me to make some composition book covers with palm trees and sea turtles.  So I did.  Most of these are painted recycled art quilts with fabric collage.  I used images of my original art quilts as a focal points.  There's one that I spray painted in layers on canvas and added some collaged elements.

My First Papermaking Experiments

Did I ever have fun using my new paper making kit!  I only spent a wee bit of time so far, but I see hours of creating in the future.  I left the studio in process so I'll do so more tomorrow.  I'm using recycled paper at the moment.  I love the bits of color from the magazine papers.  I'll be experimenting more with leaves, seeds, natural things.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New Toy

UPS delivered a new toy - well, tool, to be more correct.  At last year's Nature Printing Society Workshop, I made paper.  I love the process and love the paper results.  I know I could have constructed a paper making apparatus at a much lower cost but just couldn't resist this set up.  So, once I get a replacement for my 41 year old blender, which I'll dedicate to paper making, I'll be making paper!!!!  Yeah!

New Work

After Shrimpfest, I finished up getting ready to deliver my art to a friend to hang in a local art show at a local bank.  First Community Bank has a beautiful gallery space where 4 local artists exhibit their work for a 3 month period.  Mine will be up all summer.  The opening is this evening!  Yeah!  I have 3 portraits and 3 sea birds hanging.  I'll upload some opening pictures later.

This is "Majestic Bird" - another piece which originated with a photo - not mine but a public domain one.  This is hanging at Island Art Association's Nouveau Art "America the Beautiful.
This is a work in progress.  The first attempt went into the garbage - the shades were all wrong.  This one - I've got to work on the eyes some then make the background and then finish up with machine quilting.