I had a fabulous time with my sister, traveling in N. California and SW Oregon. The Nature Printing Society's Workshop was one of the many highlights of the trip. Traveling with my lovely, animated sister was best of all. We sure did have a good time.
The workshop was wonderful. The printers were grand, ever so sharing with knowledge, expertise, and patience. My Boot Camp for Beginning Printers on Fabric turned out just fine. I enjoyed myself as I taught others what I do on fabric. The other 3 classes I took were: Composition (paper collage)with Andrew Borloz, printing on silk scarves with Bee Shay, and octopus printing with Sharron Huffman. The evenings were a time for travel journaling with Bee Shay. I learned a lot.
I couldn't resist adding an image of the infant onsies I printed up for my very first grandchild (expected to arrive at Christmas Time).
I'll be posting soon with images of pages from my travel journal. I really enjoyed printing up several images from my camera with the PoGo Polaroid Printer. Love that thing. I kept up with the day's events until the next to last day. It was a nice way to end the day, recapping my trip.