Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Work

Full Moon
I was going through my discharged fabrics, should I say fondling them really, thinking I would like to create something new, simple, using minimal machine stitching and some hand stitching.   I love the process of discharging - taking the color out.  I've had this piece of fabric for a long time and have loved it.   I think it was one whole piece to begin with and I had used part of it elsewhere.  I designed the larger middle section and had the 2 narrow pieces just lying around - ended up using all three.  I have this wonder and awe about the moon ever since I moved to the beach and get such fantastic views of the moons, first coming up on the horizon and then traveling across the sky.  I even love the moon in the early morning sky.  So I cut out a circle.

The piece is simplistic with minimal stitching.  How I love the hand stitching, the holding of the fabrics, the in and out rhythmic motion of the mark making.  I started with a few machine lines, then the hand couching on black yarn, the ladder stitching in black floss, the larger red ladder stitches and quilting - lastly the red beads around the moon.  I'm pleased with the result.
Heart Felt
Heart Felt is a technique I remember seeing elsewhere and wanted to try.  It took a bit of work but I did like the process and will pursue it further.  Small pieces of fabrics placed on batting and fused.  I played around with the "zentangle" line drawing using the machine.  Lots of machine work in this one.

These two I entered into a juried show at St. Augustine Art Association in the themed show "Red."  I guess they've been accepted as I haven't gotten a call to pick them up.  I do like themed shows if something pops into my head right away. 

I'm working on a quilt for the grandson - a more modern one - using some scraps plus new fabrics - mostly blue and red.  I've sewn a crazy patched piece for a focus.  We'll see how the design progresses.  I'll be stitching this up in between other projects.


Nina Marie said...

ohhh I love the discharge piece - it lovely ! I host a link party "Off the Wall Fridays" and would like to invite you to join us anytime you have a project going that you want to share. We find it inspiring, motivational and educational.

Wil said...

Full Moon is lovely!

layers said...

Your fabric pieces are lovely.. I don't understand your terms or process as I am not a fabric or textile artist.. but I can appreciate the end result.. beautiful.

layers said...

I love your textile pieces.. very beautiful.

Kara said...

Love them both!